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06 March 1945

Formation of the Petru Groza government and the beginning of Romania’s communization

Under pressure from the Soviet ultimatum, King Michael I was forced to bring to power a pro-communist government led by Petru Groza. It was the beginning of Romania’s communisation. In the context of the disinterest manifested by Anglo-Americans towards the situation in Romania, the Groza government took measures to internally consolidate the position of the Communist Party of Romania (PCR) and support the country’s sovietisation. After the beginning of the Cold War, the path towards a Stalinist regime was accelerated. The last symbol of the old regime, the monarchy, was abolished by force on 30 December 1947, when the Popular Republic was proclaimed.

04 February 1945

4-11 February: Yalta conference

04 April 1945

A Soviet Announcement Declares the Occupation of Hungary’s Territory