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17 April 1916

Romania’s participation in the First World War

After two years of Neutrality, when Romania negotiated its entrance into the war with representatives of both camps, on 4/17 August 1916 Bucharest signs a treaty of alliance and a military convention with the Entente and declares war on Austria-Hungary on 14 August 1916. Romanian troops cross the Carpathians and the country enters the war with the purpose of liberating Transylvania, Banat and Bukovina. The subsequent evolution of events in Russia allowed for the additional gain of Bessarabia, making this possible the achievement of the Great Union.

Outbreak of the First World War

Written by Prof. Wojciech Roszkowski
Edited by Prof. Jan Rydel

22 October 1915

Cleveland Agreement, 22 October 1915

05 November 1916

Act of 5 November 1916