The Soviet flag over the Reichstag – Georgian memory about the WW2

The Soviet flag over the Reichstag – Georgian memory about the WW2

On May 9, 1945, the image of the Soviet flag raised over the Reichstag became one of the most iconic symbols of victory in World War II. Among the soldiers immortalized in this historic moment was Meliton Kantaria, an ethnic Georgian, whose role in the event remains a point of national pride in Georgia. While the Soviet Union framed the victory as a triumph of communism, in Georgia, the memory of the war has been reshaped through the lens of national identity.

The legacy of Kantaria—and Georgia’s broader wartime experience—reflects a complex interplay between Soviet heroism, Georgian patriotism, and the evolving narratives of history and remembrance.

This lesson plan is part of the teaching set ‘The Histories at War: WWII in the Age of Disinformation’. Discover other lessons – LINK


Browse through the PPT presentation – you can use it with your students. In the presentation you will find exercises and ideas for class activities (prepared by teacher/educator) 



Try to anylse a photo:

Questions for students:

  1. What is presented at the photo?
  2. Which symbols you can recognise?
  3. Describe the background


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Watch video introduction to this lesson - listen to our expert answering questions (prepared by teacher/educator)