After the Second World War began, one group subjected to complete extermination was Sinti and Roma.
Before the war, more than 20,000 of them had lived in the Third Reich. Already in 1926, legal regulations pertaining to ‘Gypsies, peddlers and people shirking work’ were introduced in Bavaria. On that basis, unemployed Roma people were sent to resocialisation centres. The nomadic style of some Sinti and Roma was one of the arguments used to label them anti-social and to oppose mixed marriages in Germany. Ingrained stereotypes associated with, for example, criminality influenced their negative perception. From 1933 on, such legislation extended to the entire Third Reich.
Marginalised Histories
Persecution and Discrimination of Roma and Sinti
Discover case studies and biographies of Roma and Sinti which reveal their discrimination and persecution in the pre-World War II Europe.
‘Marginalised Histories’ is an online tool which aims to introduce Roma and Sinti history into the learning practice of teachers and educators. On the interactive map you will find five countries. By clicking on one of territories, you will read case studies of discrimination and persecution of Roma and Sinti before the Second World War. Additionally you will find information on circumstances of Roma and Sinti genocide during the the Second World War in each of the countries. This map has been designed to be used with students aged 15 years old and over.
In the ‘Activities for students’ section you will find several proposals on how to use this ‘Marginalised Histories’ map with your students. They contain ideas such as writing journal relating to a historical figure simulating the International Court of Human Rights or sending a letter to the past.
Click below to see the map: