On 20 January 1942, 15 high-ranking functionaries of Nazi Germany met in a villa at Wannsee, a lake in a suburb of Berlin. They represented the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA), as well various ministries and central bodies of the Reich and the Nazi Party.
The sole point on the agenda was the so-called “Final Solution of the Jewish Question in Europe”—the Holocaust.
During the meeting, the participants were presented with a statistics in form of a list, prepared by Adolf Eichmann. As head of Jewish Affairs in the RSHA, Eichmann was responsible for organising the deportations. Arranged by country and full antisemitism, it contained the supposed number of Jews still living in each territory. It was included as page six of the protocol of the Wannsee Conference and served as a murderous target.
“Statistics and Catastrophe. Questioning Eichmann’s Numbers” is an on-line project developed by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity and House of the Wannsee Conference.
An on-line map presents the Europe according to the protocol of the Wannsee Conference. By clicking on selected territories, users can read descriptions and consult various historical sources.
The map also includes several biographies of the Holocaust victims – they stories, documents and path of deportation.

After the German invasion of the Soviet Union, she participated in the underground resistance movement. In November 1942, Liza avoided deportation to the Treblinka death centre. Her organization forged an identity card for her; she was given the Polish name Maria Mrozowska and was sent to Białystok.