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Belle époque

Revolution in Russia and on Polish territory

Apponyi´s school laws

27 October: Shooting in Černová

Romania’s participation to the Balkan Wars

The First World War

Assassination in Sarajevo

28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918 First World War

The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy Declares War on Serbia 28 July 1914

By marching into Luxemburg, the German Empire begins the First World War

Poles active in combat during the First World War

Cleveland Agreement, 22 October 1915

Romania’s participation in the First World War

Act of 5 November 1916

February and October (Bolshevik) Revolutions in Russia

The Russian Revolution

9. April: With German support, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin travels to Russia

Bessarabia, Bukovina, Transylvania and Banat unite with Romania

The Outbreak of the Chrysanthemum Revolution

The Martin Declaration

9 November: Philipp Scheidemann (the Social Democratic Party of Germany) proclaims the German Republic

11 November: Poland regains independence

The interwar period

Fights for the borders of the Second Polish Republic

Declaration of the Hungarian Soviet Republic

28 June: Signing of the Versailles Peace Treaty

First democratic parliamentary election

Hungary Signs the Treaty of Trianon

Trianon borders

Battle of Warsaw

The Paris Peace Conference and its consequences

March Constitution

First proposal for Slovak autonomy

11 January: Beginning of the Occupation of the Ruhr

Consolidation of the Great Union. The Constitution and the internal legislation

9 November: Hitler unsuccessfully attempts to gain power in a putsch

Grabski’s treasury and currency reform

Władysław Reymont receives Nobel Prize for Literature

Construction of the sea port in Gdynia

Romania’s collective alliances – The Little Entente and the Balkan Pact.

Romania’s Alliances: the Treaties with Poland, France and Italy.

May coup d’état

A New Form of Currency, the Pengő, is introduced

24 October: beginning of the Great Crisis

World economic crisis in Slovakia, 1929 – 1935

1919-1938. Romania’s internal affairs and culture in the interwar period

István Bethlen resigns as Prime Minister

Meeting of the young generation of Slovakia 25–26 June 1932

Gyula Gömbös Proclaims the ‘Self-Contained Hungarian State’

30 January: President of the Reich, Paul von Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany

The evolution of Romanian-Soviet relations

15 September: Proclamation of the Nuremberg Laws (‘Nürnberger Gesetze’) at the Nazi Party Rally (‘Reichsparteitag’)

The first Congress of Slovak writers, 31 May – 1 June 1936

The first anti-Jewish decree comes in effect

29 September: Signing of the Munich Agreement (‘Münchner Abkommen’)

Declaration of Slovak autonomy, 6 October 1938

Hungary’s territory is revised after the First Vienna Award

8-10 November: Organised pogroms against the German Jewish population

The Second World War

Poles fight on the fronts of the Second World War 1939-1945

Establishment of the Slovak State

23 August: Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact

23 August: Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact concluded by the Third Reich and USSR

The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact and its importance

1 September: Germany begins the Second World War with its invasion of Poland

Entry of Slovakia into the war against Poland

Poland assaulted from both sides

The Polish government, gold reserves and refugees in Romania.

April 1940: Katyn massacre

Romania’s territorial losses

22 June: With the invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler starts the racist war of extermination for ‘Lebensraum’ in the East

1941-1944. The Second World War. Romania on Germany’s side

Unidentified Aircraft Bomb Košice: Hungary Enters World War Two

20 January: Meeting of the ‘Wannsee Conference’

The deportation of Slovak Jews begins

Establishment of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and Arts

The Second Hungarian Army Is Decimated at the River Don

Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto

Tehran conference

Germany Occupies Hungary

20 July: Conspirators linked with Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg attempt to overthrow the Nazi dictatorship

1 August – 3 October: Warsaw Uprising

23 August 1944. Its internal and external consequences

24 August 1944 – 9 May 1945. Romania’s participation in the anti-Nazi war, alongside the Allied Coalition.

Military uprising in Slovakia

Signing of the Truce between Romania and the United Nations.

The Moscow Percentages Agreement

Szálasi Announces Continuing the War on the Side of Germany


27 January: Auschwitz is liberated by Soviet troops

4-11 February: Yalta conference

4-11 February 1945. The Yalta Conference and its consequences

Formation of the Petru Groza government and the beginning of Romania’s communization

A Soviet Announcement Declares the Occupation of Hungary’s Territory

The first governmental programme of renewed Czechoslovakia

7-8 May: Capitulation of the German Wehrmacht Armed Forces

Trial of the Sixteen

Potsdam Conference 17 July – 2 August 1945

Yalta Conference (Crimea Conference)

Parliamentary election

The Forint Is Introduced (August 1, 1946)

1 October: Delivery of judgements against the main war criminals in the Nuremberg Trials (Nürnberger Prozess)

Hungary Signs the Peace Treaty of Paris (February 10, 1947)

Communists Take Over after Ousting Prime Minister Ferenc Nagy

The Marshall Plan

Proclamation of the Romanian Popular Republic

Anticommunist armed resistance

February state coup d´état

Parliamentary election with a united list of candidates

Nationalization of enterprises

Romania’s activity within COMECON

Collectivization of agriculture

24 May: Proclamation of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany (‘Grundgesetzes der Bundesrepublik Deutschland’)

Hungary’s Stalinist Constitution Comes into Effect

7 October: The German Democratic Republic – GDR (‘Deutsche Demokratische Republik’ – DDR) is established

Court trial of Catholic bishops

17 June: The People’s Uprising in East Berlin and the GDR is violently suppressed

Prime Minister Imre Nagy Calls for ‘New Stage’ Politics

The Hungarian National Football Team Defeats Great Britain at Wembley, 6:3

4 July: Germany becomes football world champion for the first time

14 May: Warsaw Pact established

Romania and the Warsaw Treaty

June 1956: Poznań protests

The Hungarian Revolution Breaks Out in Budapest

Romania and the Hungarian Revolution

The Soviet Army Launches Its Invasion to Suppress the Hungarian Revolution

13 August: Building of the Berlin Wall

23 January: Konrad Adenauer and Charles de Gaulle sign the German-French Treaty of Friendship

János Kádár Proclaims General Amnesty

Romania’s internal policy during the Nicolae Ceausescu regime

3 May: festive observance of the millennial anniversary of Poland’s baptism

2 June: The death of the student Benno Ohnesorg

First year of the international Biennial of Illustration Bratislava

The “New Economic Mechanism” Is Implemented

Start of renewal process


March 1968 events

Romania’s attitude towards the “Prague Spring”

Invasion of Warsaw Pact troops, 20 – 21 August 1968

Act of Federalisation of Czechoslovakia

Gustáv Husák leads the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia

28 October: Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt leads the first social-liberal coalition

Preparatory meeting of the Slovak World Congress, 19 – 21 June 1970

Willy Brandt kneels before a Holocaust monument in Warsaw (Brandt’s ‘Kniefall von Warschau’)

December 1970 protests

June 1976: Protests in Radom and Ursus

Night of 17 into 18 October: Suicide of RAF terrorists Andreas Baader, Gudrun Ensslin and Jan-Carl Raspe in the Stuttgart-Stammheim jail

Illyés’s Article on Hungarians Living Beyond National Borders Is Published

16 October 1978: Cardinal Karol Wojtyła becomes Pope and assumes the name of John Paul II

Pontificate of John Paul II

Establishment of the Independent Self-Governing Trade Union ‘Solidarność’

13 December: Martial law imposed

The First Issue of Samizdat Publication, Beszélő [Speaker], Appears

29 March: Entry of the ‘Greens’ (‘Grünen’ ) into the German Bundestag

Candle demonstration


Fall of communism in Poland

Hungary Opens Its Border to Austria

Fall of communist regimes In East-Central Europe

9 November: Opening of the Berlin Wall and thus of the border between the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR

Spontaneous demonstration by Bratislava university students for basic civil rights and freedoms

The First Free Elections Are Held

The Reunification of Germany

The Last Soviet Soldier Leaves Hungary’s Territory

Dissolution of the USSR and German reunification

Establishment of an independent Slovak Republic

12 March: Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary become NATO members

Hungary Becomes a Member State of NATO

Expansion of NATO